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Currently reading

Madame Bovary
Gustave Flaubert, Lydia Davis
Hermann Hesse, Hilda Rosner
Civil Disobedience and Other Essays (Collected Essays)
Henry David Thoreau
The Children Star
Joan Slonczewski
Manstealing for Fat Girls
Michelle Embree
Undersong: Chosen Poems Old and New
Audre Lorde
Radio Crackling, Radio Gone
Lisa Olstein
Radiant Days
Elizabeth Hand
Mythmakers and Lawbreakers: Anarchist Writers on Fiction
Margaret Killjoy, Kim Stanley Robinson
Footnotes in Gaza
Joe Sacco

Telegraph Avenue: A Novel

Telegraph Avenue: A Novel - Michael Chabon Eh. I loved Kavalier and Klay but have never really been able to get into any of Chabon's other books. I started reading this, skimmed for a while trying to hook into it, but couldn't connect. I'm maybe a little bored with the literary exploration of this certain segment of fandom (straight dude collectors of stuff). I was most interested in the younger characters (Titus and Julie) and the wive (and it's maybe telling that after reading 100 or so pages the two most prominent women in the book stay in my mind as "the wives") but maybe I'm also just less interested in reading about fathers and sons.